Applying for a Short-term loan
Before you apply for a short term loan through Can’t Wait there are a few criteria you need to make sure you meet. See “WHAT YOU NEED TO QUALIFY” Below.
As part of our Responsible Lending Policy, when you apply for a Can’t Wait short term loan we need to make sure that you don’t get a short term loan you can’t afford and end of in financial hardship.
We use the information you provide to us to help in assessing your ability to meet your repayment obligations to us without incurring undue hardship. It is therefore important that you provide us with accurate information.
At the very start of the application process, will show you the repayment schedule you can expect before choosing to proceed. Please do not proceed unless you are happy with the provided repayment schedule.
The application process will gather information about yourself, your employment and your financial situation.